Monday, May 21, 2012

Father Hunger

I was very excited to receive my Father Hunger book to review for Booksneeze. I had seen Douglas Wilson speak at a Desiring God conference on biblical manhood. I totally identify with the importance of fathers in the world. I had not however, reflected on how the role of the father reflects the glory of the LORD and how many tactics of the world seek to supplant that God given role. I dove into the book with anticipation and was not disappointed. Douglas Wilson caused me to reflect on the current events and the potential these socio-political issues have to mar the image of the Father. Furthermore, he reinforces the Biblical principles that illustrate the irreplaceable role of fathers. Many books have been written but few have dealt so deeply with the question of why fatherhood is so important. Mr. Wilson reflects on how fatherhood touches every aspect of society. There is strong encouragement for men to step up.

While I am grateful for this book and would highly recommend it, I feel that I should state that the author pulls no punches. At times, he is witty. At others, he uses very adult illustrations and while the language is not explicit, he is very direct. Also, the subtitle mentions updated data. This mostly appears as the appendix at the end of the book. Overall, I would highly recommend this book for any adult whether a parent or not, single or married. I also think women would benefit from this book as well as men.

The book begins by establishing the roles and relationships within the Holy Trinity. He then takes the reader from the significance of fathers through to your significance (if you are or will be a father). He highlights the forces that pull fathers away from their station such as shifting cultural norms that seek to redefine what God has already, clearly defined. Next, he confronts the false visions of masculinity that are commonly held. He then outlines the societal consequences of missing in action fathers - poor spiritual health/relationship with God, imitations of ungodly behaviors, opportunities for overbearing governments to supplants the role of father, lack of healthy respect for authority, crime, and confused gender roles. He then proceeds to equip and encourage the reader that there is hope because we have a Heavenly Father that not only shows us how, but empowers us to succeed! Each chapter also has questions to reflect on and reinforce the main points of each chapter.

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