Thursday, July 8, 2010

Venom and Song

Venom and Song by Wayne Batson and Christopher Hopper
This is my first Booksneeze review. I had the opportunity to read this epic tale of seven teenagers who are destined for greatness in another realm. It was an adventurous mix of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and Lord of the Rings. At first, I felt lost because I had not read the first book in the series. However, I very quickly gained familiarity with the characters. The book moved very quickly and had few slow moments. For parents, I would say that this book is for older teens because of a few graphic scenes of violence at the very beginning and end of the book. If you would not let your kids watch Lord of the Rings extended editions and all the battle scenes, you should probably screen this book first. It was enjoyable to me to follow the characters growth through trial after trial. Uniting and depending on a higher power was the main message I got from the story. The strength to make wise choices as a team was another theme that I felt ran through the book. I would recommend this book to others and older teens. If you enjoyed the Lord of the Ring series or the Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe series, I think you would like this series.