Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Boy Who Changed the World

The Boy Who Changed the World is quick and easy read. One that shows that everything one does, something happens. Full of wonder and surprise, the book delivers an encouraging message to youngsters to dream big and make wise choices. After all, you might be the next Boy who changes the world! Well done.

I reviewed this book for Booksneeze and receive a complimentary ebook copy.

Butterfly Effect

I reviewed this book for Booksneeze. What a fantastic and encouraging little book! It starts with one dramatic tale that leads to a humbling and patriotic appreciation for one man. Then, the story unfolds the significant historical ties to one person after another in demonstration of the “Butterfly Effect”. This book was a quick read that unfolded in a dramatic and engaging way. I thoroughly enjoyed it and hope that one day I might come to appreciate the potential impact that my everyday choices make on humanity.