Tuesday, October 5, 2010

What in the World

What in the World is Going On? 10 Prophetic clues You Cannot Afford to Ignore by David Jeremiah. I am reviewing this book that I received from Booksneeze. This book sets out to connect current events with prophecies in the Bible. The main purpose is to draw you to Jesus and set urgency in your heart to come to Jesus. This might get lost in all of the geopolitical narrations throughout the book. Even though it seems hard to deny the facts and atmosphere of a one world nation, this should not cause someone to abandon life. In fact, the author’s hope seems to be the opposite – that you will re-prioritize your life around the one true God.
The book started slow but took off after a chapter or two for me. It certainly did challenge me to be alert and discerning. The temptation would be to panic. But, early on the author states that these events should serve to further substantiate the verity of the Bible to life today. This brings us hope in the midst of a decaying humanity.
I would recommend this book to others with the caveat that one should not gloss over the subtle statements the author makes about putting these events in context.

PS - I guess I feel that the book draws more attention to the signs rather than the One who gives us the signs.